Tuesday 20 August 2024

Gecko Galz: Dragon's Roar



Every month over at the Gecko Galz blog we have the monthly free image challenges, as well as the main blog challenge, posted on the first day of each month.. 

There is a monthly card challengethe monthly Christmas Image challenge, the Fantasy challenge, the monthly ATC challenge,  a Gothic Challenge and Steampunk challenge. These can be accessed by the tabs at the top of the main blog page and you are able to download the FREE image there. 

We also have the quarterly challenge. and 4 Facebook challenges.

Today is a rainy day, so I thought I'd have a go with this month's free Fantasy image challenge which is a gorgeous dragon. I decided to make my project interactive :)

Here is what I made:

I had some left over painted card from a previous project (the 'Ocean Life' shaker booklet) which was in colours suitable for the dragon background, so I used those. I die cut a 3 3/4 inch circle upon which I mounted the dragon. I used a piece of brayered, painted card for the background and added the alpha stickers to spell 'roar' as well as some sparkly, light purple gemstones..

The dragon was fussy cut from it's background and inked around the edges. I made a cut along his jaw line and adhered the two parts to a clothes peg. I tried to camouflage the peg by colouring with Copics, his mouth being coloured in red, and the ends of the peg above his head in mauve..

Here he is roaring:

And finally here's a short video to show how he roars:

We hope you can find some time to join in the fun.

Here's all the info you need:Current Gecko Galz Challenge : "Beauty of the Far East"

Thanks for stopping by today.

PIP Challenges #2433 AG 25/08 HONORARY MENTION
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends #236 AG 25/08
Craft Rocket Challenges 117 Animals 28/08
613 Avenue Create Aug AG 30/08 TOP ROCKER


I'd really love some feedback :)      
I read and appreciate all your comments. 


  1. fantastic image and card Carole........gr karin

  2. Amazing card and brilliant idea, your roaring dragon is so cool!

  3. WOW!!! AWESOME!!! incredible! super! fantastic! wonderful! Thanks for sharing at Heart's Quest Fantasy! --Becca

  4. WOW!! I love your interactive dragon card! It's jaw dropping fabulous! Thanks for joining us this week at Pammie's Inky Pinkies. Hope to see you again.

  5. Totally awesome! A brilliant idea x

  6. Hi Carole, a fabulous interactive card, I actually had to try to find the peg in the image. Thank you for sharing you card with us at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends, good luck in the prize draw... Megan DT LPoCF

  7. Fantastic card, the colours are stunning, and the way you've made him roar is amazing. Thanks for joining us this month at the Heart's Quest Fantasy Challenge Blog Claire DT

  8. You are so talented and creative! I am aways amazed when I see the lovely things you create!


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