Monday 2 September 2024

Path of Positivity: Strength & Courage Frida Mini Book



Welcome back to the Path of Positivity Challenge..

Our challenge is always Anything Goes with an optional theme. We have decided that our overall theme for 2024 will be THE POWER OF WORDS.

September's option is to design a project that is inspired by quotes about Strength and Courage.


Here is my project:

I chose to make a mini book about Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. She had polio as a child of 6 years and was bed ridden for 9 months. The disease meant that right leg and foot were much thinner than her left and this lead to her wearing long skirts for the rest of her life.  As a teenager, aged 18, she was in an horrific trolley bus accident which kept her bed ridden for 3 months and in life-long pain. She had over 30 surgeries deal with problems, but her pelvis was smashed and she was unlikely to be able to become a mother. Her pregnancies posed health risks and she suffered miscarriages. She was married to a Mexican mural artist, Diego Riviera, who was a serial womaniser (even with Frida's younger sister). She love him very much, but he hurt her badly.

Despite the drawbacks and pain, Frida showed she had strength and courage and she depicted this through many of her paintings, at one time even considering the career of a medical illustrator.

I made a disc bound mini book about Frida Kahlo using rolodex cards, cut using two die set designed by Janet Klein from AALL & Create.

Here are the pages:

I used images from two collage sets from WendlyLynn's Paper Whims Etsy store, the Frida Kahlo set and Frida Kahlo set 2 which depicts her from a child through to a woman.

I used Frida's well known quotes on each page. These were typed, printed and cut into strips.

I added flowers and butterflies and used pretty floral papers, as these are things that are associated with Frida. She loved animals and nature. 

These are the front and back pages:

This following photo shows the dimension on each page, the images were popped on foam pads and the flowers have layers, so the rolodex format was perfect for this project:



Here are this month's suggested quotes, but you can choose your own:

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” — Helen Keller

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” — Marcus Aurelius

“All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.” — Earl Nightingale
“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” — Steve Maraboli
“The sun himself is weak when he first rises, and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on.” — Charles Dickens


That's all for now.
We would love to see your creations! 
Just make sure that your entry is positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some way!

 The link up is here: Challenge #123 Path of Positivity.

Many thanks to Scribbles Designs for sponsoring the challenge.

I'll be back with a another Path of Positivity project in a couple of weeks time.

Thanks for stopping by today!

I'd like to play along in these challenges:


Ally's Angels 85 AG 10/09
Classic Design Challenge Aug/Sept AG 12/09
Crafters Cafe Rainbow Colours & Lots of Layers 12/09
Colorful Options Sept Be Bold 28/09
A Place to Start Sept 24 AG 30/09
613.Avenue Create Sept 24 AG 30/09

I read and appreciate all your comments. 


  1. Wow...this mini books is stunning Carole! Thanks for including the Frida Kahlo images from my Etsy Shop. You have done them proud!

  2. this is fantastic and very beautiful album karin

  3. Beautiful book, Carole, and a lovely tribute to the artist! Thanks for sharing with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah, Owner

  4. This is really awesome and a lot of creative work too!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Colorful Options!
    Diane CO DT
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Colorful Options}
    NEW {Love Those Pretty Papers}

  5. I love the Frida Book you created! Frida's life captivated me when I learned about her in collage years ago and i have been obsessed with her life and artwork for years! You did a magnificent job of portraying her beauty, strength and courage!


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